Analysis and reports

Analysis and reports

TOLERANT National report on services in Bulgaria to support the labour integration of third-country victims of trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence

Promotion of the rights of trafficked persons in Bulgaria. A Human Rights Based Approach

Treatment of Victims of Trafficking in Court in Bulgaria. Monitoring Report

Position of victims of trafficking in human beings in criminal and other legal proceedings in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania. A Human Rights Based Approach

Assessment of the Implementation of the National Mechanism for Referral and Support of Trafficked Persons in Bulgaria

Safe Return and Reintegration for Victims of Trafficking and Victims of Domestic Violence Facing Residency Problems

Safe! Voices from the Field – Safe and Adequate Return, Fair Treatment and Early Identification of Victims of Trafficking from Third Countries outside the EU

„Rights & Work. Tackling Labour exploitation in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania”

Justice at Last – European Action for Compensation for Victims of Crime. Victims’ Needs Assessment. Working Paper

Cooperation On Access to Compensation In Cross-border Context. Working Paper

Legal Assessment: Compensation Practices. Working Paper

Compensation for Trafficked Persons. Policy Paper

Review and analysis of the Bulgarian national legal framework on the rights and protection of victims of crime and its application: contributing to an effective implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protectionof victims of crime

From universal rights to individual protection: The application of the Victims’ Directive across Europe

Adaptation requirements in Bulgaria to implement the Generic Plan/SOPs

Development of Generic Victim Support Services in Bulgaria in Implementation of Article 8 of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (3.5.)

Programmatic document for the capitalisation of resultsWIN – Trafficked Women Integration

Human trafficking and the economic/business sectors susceptible to be involved in the demand and supply chain of products and services resulting from victims

Improving and sharing knowledge on the Internet role in the processes of human trafficking and smuggling: National report for Bulgaria

Navigating through your supply chain: Toolkit for prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking

Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in Bulgaria

Uncovering labour trafficking

Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus

Integrated report on corruption and trafficking in women

Child TraffiCking among Vulnerable roma CommuniTies